Hi, my friends! I'm absolutely thrilled that lessons are about to begin again. I've seen lots and lots of you this summer, which has been wonderful!
I just wanted to do a short post with some news for the coming few weeks. You'll be hearing from me no later than next week about your preferred time for lessons. If you have a time in mind already, please feel free to call me. First priority goes to summer students, but I always do my best to accommodate sports and other activities as best I can. Our regular weekly schedule will begin Tuesday, September 4th.
There will be no rate increase this year, so tuition payments will remain the same. I'll be sending home a summary of your deposit account at the beginning of the year so that each family can bring their account back to the $40 mark by the end of September.
I'm also busy revamping our token system to make it more task and less time-oriented. I think these changes will help students achieve a more focused and productive practice time.
I can't wait to learn with all of you during the coming year!